Tobechukwu Onyekwere

Excel NETWORKDAYS Function

The Excel NETWORKDAYS function is useful for determining the number of working days between two dates, omitting weekends and optionally specified holidays. It enables users to properly manage schedules, project timeframes, and deadlines by offering a simple method for determining the duration of business days within a particular timeframe. By default, the NETWORKDAYS function treats … Read more

Excel MAXIF & MAXIFS Functions

Excel’s MAXIF and MAXIFS functions are effective tools for analyzing data because they enable users to retrieve the highest value from a dataset under particular circumstances. These routines are very helpful in situations where users need to find the greatest value in a dataset that satisfies specific requirements. The MAXIF function: was included in Excel … Read more

Excel RANDBETWEEN Function

The Excel RANDBETWEEN function provides a fast method of simulating randomness in a spreadsheet by producing random integers between the lower and higher bounds. It’s very helpful when you need to create randomized scenarios for games or instructional exercises, run simulations, or generate random sample data for testing. RANDBETWEEN adds diversity and unpredictability to your … Read more


Excel’s TRUNC function is a mathematical tool that may be used to truncate figures, eliminating decimal places or decreasing accuracy as desired. The truncated integer and an optional parameter indicating the desired number of digits after the decimal point make up its fundamental syntax. Depending on which way the num_digits input is skewed, TRUNC will … Read more

Excel SWITCH Function

Excel’s SWITCH function, added in Excel 2016, provides a cleaner substitute for nested IF statements, thus simplifying complicated conditional logic. Its syntax compares one expression to several values and returns the matching value based on the first match discovered. This organized style makes formulas easier to comprehend and retain, particularly when the formula has several … Read more

Excel CELL Function

The CELL function in Excel is a useful tool that provides information on an individual cell’s properties, allowing users to do numerous data analysis and formatting activities. Its easy syntax enables users to dynamically access details such as the cell’s address, file information, content type, formatting, and more. For example, to acquire a cell’s absolute … Read more

Excel TEXTJOIN Function

Excel’s TEXTJOIN function effectively combines text strings from several cells or ranges into a single, concatenated result. TEXTJOIN makes it easier and more flexible to create well-formatted, concatenated strings. The TEXTJOIN function, with its succinct syntax, requires three basic arguments. First, the “delimiter” sets the characters to separate each concatenated text item. This might be … Read more

Excel COUNTA Function

Excel’s COUNTA function is useful for determining the number of non-empty cells inside a given range. It is especially effective for determining the completeness of data sets because it counts cells with any data, including text, numbers, mistakes, and logical values. The function accepts a range as an argument and returns the number of non-blank … Read more

Excel Substitute Function

The SUBSTITUTE Function in Excel is a powerful tool for replacing particular instances of a substring within a text string. This function is extremely useful for data cleaning, formatting, and analysis as it modifies text strings. Notably, it works in a case-sensitive manner, providing precise substitutions. SUBSTITUTE is widely used to improve data readability by … Read more

Excel Replace Function

The REPLACE function is a function in excel that is used to replace characters within a text string with another set of characters. This function is only useful when the location of the text to be replaced is known or can be easily identified. In today’s post, we would touch on everything you need to … Read more