Excel Basics

Excel Mixed References

We have treated relative references and absolute references in excel, now it is time for mixed references. Yes, you might have guessed, the mixed reference is a combination of the two types of reference stated earlier (relative & absolute reference). In today’s post we would take you through all you need to know about it … Read more

Excel Absolute References

Absolute references in excel are vital to financial modeling. They are cell references which see the row and column coordinates remain constant whilst copying formula from once cell to another. You may know that the default referencing style of excel is the relative reference, and if you attempt to copy your formula to other cells, … Read more

Excel Relative References

Cell references are an integral part of excel use. In financial modeling, there is usually a need to refer to cells for various things like completing a function, data validation list, conditional formatting, named ranges and so on, and without knowing which type of reference you require, you may end up spending a lot of … Read more

Custom Number Formats in Excel

The custom number format in excel is a very key feature that can help organize your data for presentation. Although excel has a lot of built-in number formats such as date, percentage, currency, time accounting, these may be limiting depending on how you want to organize your data. Thankfully, excel allows for including your custom … Read more

Named Ranges in Excel

In excel, names can refer to cells, a specific value or a formula. These names can be used to make complex formulas easy to read and understand as you refer to the names instead of using a constant value or cell reference. The names can also serve as a data source in a data validation … Read more

How to remove spaces in Excel

Sometimes when copying data, you may find some annoying spaces either before, within or after the group of texts in each cell. Today’s post is dedicated to teaching you quick and easy ways to remove such spaces. Let’s begin Using Trim Function to remove Spaces The excel trim function is very handy in removing leading … Read more

Convert Texts to Numbers

In some cases, numbers copied may appear as texts, and this leads to incorrect calculations when you use affected cells as part of a formula or function in excel. Functions such as SUM or AVERAGE would ignore cells with text values while other functions such as VLOOKUP that requires an exact match to the number … Read more

Advanced Find & Replace in Excel

When working with large data sets in excel, you quickly become accustomed to the find and replace dialog box which can serve as a very powerful tool to save countless number of hours on activities like changing formats, replacing links, replacing text in formulas, removing text and so much more. In today’s post we would … Read more